You Can’t Right If you Can’t Relate

Renowned public speaker, award winning entrepreneur, and professional mentor based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Jill is known for her dynamic and engaging speaking style, and she has delivered keynote speeches and workshops to audiences of all sizes across North America. She has also worked with a diverse range of clients, including corporations, non-profits, and individuals.

With over two decades of experience in the personal development industry, Jill has become a trusted advisor and spiritual director to countless individuals and organizations seeking to transform their lives and achieve their goals.


Jill speaks from her experiences traveling around the world, learning from her mistakes, and explaining why it's necessary to push rules and boundaries to find your own path

Forgiveness: The Art of Letting Go


Truly, it's in a breath. I will teach you why I know this, and through your own theology you can come back to a place of ease from dis-ease - being and feeling off.

To let go is to free yourself, and that's often what's misunderstood. It's more about forgiving someone else, for you.

I've been able to overcome some terrible things that happened in my addiction era - and move forward without holding onto the pain of what happened and instead look at it as, why did this happen for me? What am I supposed to learn from this?

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to forgive in a breath

  • Learn how to let your mind, and body, and soul, let go

  • Create a recovery plan for yourself in your journal with my prompts

  • Forgiveness is for-giving, to yourself and others

Composting Your Past


Nothing in the forest lives without the forest dying - and our lives and stories are the same.

Somethings need to die off and be the regenerative part of the new growth, of the next chapter.

It's up to us to let go, in times of losing identity and self, in times of not knowing what to do, and in times of immense change in your life - this talk will help you understand how to take what was and what is of the past, and turn it into a new plan, new growth.

Get inspired to put action to that plan, the replant so to speak, and leave ready to change and transform your own life

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn nature metaphors for letting go - changing seasons, fall to winter to spring, compost, caterpillar to butterfly. change and transformation

  • Tools for managing change

  • How to create a healthy forest around you, and root in the new growth. Ecosystem metaphor. Support system. Interdepdencies.

  • How to think about planting ahead, creating a plan for new growth.

Your Value is in Your Values


Who you are is not what you do, and often these two are woven into one.

Then we feel uptight, wound up, burnt out, apathetic, disconnected from our real selves.

Our values are what are the unseen currency of our willpower.

When we remind ourselves what we intend to do with our lives and why, we get the chance to realign ourselves, and earn back strength.

In a world of everyone having or thinking about a personal brand, if we don't know who we are when we retreat from the world, we are lost.

We can only find ourselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Who you are is not what you do - core values & management values

  • Seeing your ideal self is key to co-creating your vision, aligning with your values, and your plans

  • You can have what you ultimately want to feel, if you're willing to align faith and work

  • Plan for rest and retreat to do you

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, I provide custom programs based on the needs of the team and leadership.

  • $1,500 for up to 2.5 hrs to speak locally in Calgary.

  • Workshops and breakout sessions a e based on the number of attendees at the event or presentation.

    Rates start at $2,000 for speaker and workshop packages.

  • Yes! I start at a base rate of $1,500 plus travel and expenses.

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